QueMaster Help File

help file for QueMaster 1.5 - for more help go to the forum

Hi and welcome to the QueMaster - a program that lets you change the order of the songs in the queue of dBPower Amp. If you need help with dAP take a look at the dAP help files first.

QueMaster official page / QM index (online version)


Version history

Keyboard shorcuts

note that maybe not all of the news in 1.5 are covered in this help - if there's a problem then do go to the forums or mail me



Loading the program will automatically load the active .Enqued file. If you are using multiple-user operational system on your PC, then each user has it's own queue (and other dap settings). The files are called YourUserName.Enqued.

Each user has it's own settings - from version 1.2 QM supports multiple users (just like dAP). For each user the setings are saved in the dbpoweramp directory with a name like :" YourUserName_qm.ini". The list of your favorite playlists is saved in here also in the "YourUserName_qmpl.ini" file.

And in case of a big problem (QM crashes on start, all is black, ....) try to delete the your qm.ini file (here are all of the settings) and the program will be reseted like it was when you installed it. If this doesn't help you, find me on the forum. Also note that the favorite playlists list will remain intact, so you don't have to worry about that.

Main window

Virtually any free space in the program can show you the standard dAP-menu with just a right-click

Ofcourse program saves the changes automatically, and also load when needed (if the queue has changed).

Like any other app, Quemaster is maximizable - just double click on the title to maximize/restore the window. This is very good for editing long queue lists, and it is also practical for the Big Info view.

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The queue list

In the middle of the window you see the list of the files that are on the queue. You can move the selected file up or down, duplicate or delete it if you want. There are several ways you can do this: you can use the buttons beneath the list, you can right-click on the list, or you can use the keyboard shortcuts, or in case you want to move just one song around you can drag it around with the mouse. You can find the keyboard shortcuts in the about menu (Ctrl+~)

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dBpowerAmp control panel

More than just changing the queue, you can use the bottom panel to control dBPower Amp, with button such as pause, skip, ffwd rewind, volume controls and more. It also shows the currently playing file. If the names are too long then hover over them and a tool tip will appear and the full title will appear.

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Big info mode

Text display can sometimes be too small, so if you ever need really big display of the song playing - here is a solution. When you press the "Big Info" button, the queue list will shrink (to about 100 pixels height) and bellow it you will see the display for the song title and artist. The maximum size of the letters is customizable in Options -> Big Info. The actual size of the letters is shrunk if the text can't fit in the window. In case of a bug adjust the size by right-clicking and selecting "AutoFontSize". Also (since ver 1.4) you can toggle a time display in the lower left corner. It will show the current time of the song and it's duration. If you have a big monitor, put QMin fullscreen, activate BigInfo mode and you can see what's going on from quite a distance. Ideal if you have a remote (or a wireless keyboard) ;)

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Rotate mode

Enhancing the standard way of playing tracks it is activated by the "Rotate" checkbox beneath the queue list. While this is on, the queue should repeat itself over and over. For this to work Quemaster must be on all the time.

Also note that this mode does not act perfectly - there is a posibility that from time to time it will duplicate (or loose) a song from the queue. But if you just let it play without much skipping and adding songs it should work all right.

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dAP panel

This is activated by the "db" button below the list. It is closed by another press on the button.

From this panel you can run almost all parts of the player (and converter). Just open the dBPower menu and select the desired program. If you want to control dAP then you should use the bottom panel in the main window.

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Favorite playlists panel

This is activated by the "Playlists" button on the right edge of the main window. It is closed by another press on the button.

Here you can put your favorite playlists so that they are as far as a double-click when ever you want to hear them.

Above the lists are the buttons for adding playlists to the list and the button for removing the selected playlist.

Bellow the list are the buttons for transferring the list to the queue. The first one will just insert it to queue at the selection point, while the other will first empty the queue and then add the list - so that you only listen to the list.

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Info panel

This little window uses the built in functions from dAP to extract more info about the currently playing song.... It refreshes itself automatically. Can be very handy ;)

In case that it doesn't show the info for the current song try to turn it off then on again. It should be alright now.

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- "Close dAP on exit" checkbox - if this is checked then when you turn off QM, dAP will also be shut down.

- "All Windows Locked to main" checkbox - if this is checked then the additional 2 panels will be dragged with the main window, if not then the panels will be positioned independently.

- "Default dir for opening files" text box - here you can type in the path at which you would like the open files dialog to open at (your music directory). This also applies to playlist opening. Sorry but you will have to manually type it in...

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Customizing Appearances

You can change the appearance of the program from the options menu. There you can load your own background picture, and then change the color of the text and the buttons, so that it all fits well. Then you should press "Apply Colors", so that you can see how it looks. When you are done, just press the "save colors for this picture button". So next time when you load the picture (if "Auto Load" is checked, of course), then the colors will be set just as you left them.

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Auto Enque

This will enable you to make a file be put on queue at regular intervals. It will be put as the first file in the queue, or can be alternativly be played at the same intervals. The mode is being selected by the checkbox, and as it's says on it if checked it will be played. The file can be selected with the browse button, but also it can be just typed in. In the slide box you can select the interval expresed in minutes, and if an interval of 0 minutes is specified then the timer will be off.

Note: for this to work QueMaster must be on all of the time, and that the timer is started every time QM is started.

This is a feature requested by ^Shyone379 from New Zealand.As I understud they need this for their radio station, so that they can in adequate intervals of time emit the frequency and location, as required by the law.

Big Info

Here you can customize the Big Info mode. You can choose the max size of the text for the Big Info mode in pixels. The program automatically resizes the text so it fits on the display and centers it, both horizontally and vertically. In case of a bug you can right-click on it and "remind" it to resize.

Another part of the big info is the Big Time. This will display the current time and song duration in the lower left part of the big info. You can activate/deactivate it with the checkbutton, and you can select the font size for it. This will not be autmatically resized. However, the artist and title will be centered taking into acount not to overlap with the big time part.

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Here you can customize the speaking options. Volume change is the amount by which the volume of dap will be lowered while the system is reading text. It will be returned as soon as it's done. Maximum volume is 100. You can also select the voice, and it's rate and volume.

Text To Speech options

Using the Microsoft SAPI engine, QM can now read the artist and title of the currently playing track. When enabled in options it will always read the titles on track change. You also have a button bellow the main list for manual starting of reading.

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Bugs and such can be reported on the dap forum or by mail, preferably on the forum, 'cause more people can see it that way, or you may find an answer for your question and/or bug.

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