QueMaster(for dBPower Amp)
This is a program I have made to improve the functions of the enque list in dBpowerAmp.
- version 1.5 - February 2008 - Download (about 630kb)
older downloads:
- version 1.4 - April 2007 - Download (about 708kb)
- version 1.3.2 - August 1st 2005 - Download (about 700kb) - a few bug fixes from 1.3
- version 1.3 - Jully 20th 2005 Download (703kb)
for support, bugs and such go to http://forum.dbpoweramp.com and post into the beta or general forum....
If you have problems with it you can visit dBpower amp's forum (http://forum.dbpoweramp.com) - and look around, maybe your problem is already solved. Or you may write to me at quemaster \at/ gmail \dot/ com