[Queen main] [alphabetic list]


Here's where you'll find the lyrics ;-).
These are by album, and there is a full alphabetic index of all the songs.
Also you might wan to check out my Lyrics database, which also features Queen lyrics (among others), and there you can easily search, sort, select by album or author etc.
lyrics db direct to Queen
I know that lyrics are available on many pages (obviously when I'm linking some of the best) but I'm gonna put them online anyway...
These lyrics are mostly based on info from Bijou (see more on the bottom of the page)

(the unlinked part is not done yet, sorry)

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Freddie Mercury Rarities 1,2 & 3.You can find the lyrics on www.QueenPictureHall.com. Also some other extra rarities such as 'Self Made Man'....

www.queenwords.com - If you need live version lyrics (Live Killers, Live Magic, Live at Wembley..) visit it. It also has all the regular lyrics, so if you need some of those I haven't yet added...

On http://www.bagpuss.me.uk/bijou.asp you will find a Queen database program called "Bijou" by Dave Forsey
It contains lyrics from all Queen albums (Queen(1973)- Queen Rocks(1997)) and solo albums of the group members (Freddie, Brian, Roger, The Cross).

Version 3.2 is older and it doesn't have the lyrics from "Another World" but the Quote Game works (it gives you a verse and you must recognize the song).
Version 4.0 has a nicer interface and does contain the upper mentioned album, but the Quote Game ain't working.

[Queen main] [alphabetic list]