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Data for artist Cranberries


The Cranberries are an Irish alternative rock band.

- Dolores Mary Eileen O'Riordan Burton (born 6 September, 1971) vocalist, keyboardist and backing guitarist for the band.
- Noel Anthony Hogan (born 25 December 1971 in Moyross, Limerick, Ireland), guitarist.
- (Mike) Michael Gerard Hogan (born 29 April 1973, in Moyross, Limerick, Ireland) bass guitar.
- Fergal Patrick Lawler (born 4 March 1971,in Parteen (near Limerick), Ireland) drummer.

Their debut album, "Everybody Else is Doing It, Why Can't We" was released in
1993 and sold millions of copies.

In 2004, The Cranberries announced they were taking some time to pursue individual careers.


  Dolores O`Riordan   Noel Hogan

Songs performed by Cranberries

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Showing results from 1 to 50.

Title Artist Author Album N0
1 Dreams Cranberries o Dolores O`Riordan o Noel Hogan o Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? 2 e
2 Linger Cranberries o Dolores O`Riordan o Noel Hogan o Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? 7 e
3 Ode to my family Cranberries o Dolores O`Riordan o Noel Hogan o No Need to Argue 1 e
4 Salvation Cranberries o Dolores O`Riordan o Noel Hogan o To The Faithful Departed 2 e
5 Zombie Cranberries o Dolores O`Riordan o No Need to Argue 4 e

Showing results from 1 to 50.

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All lyrics are (c) of the respective authors. -- site engine 2004-2013 by Donny -- last real revision Apr 2007