The MATRIX Revisited skin
This is an upgraded version ("hmm, upgrades" Neo) of The Matrix skin, being that I wasn't satisfied with the old version. The only part I'm totally proud of is the tray-play presenting the matrix spirit very nicely.
The mini player also had almost no changes, and the rest, well... see for yourselves
download from forum(1184 kb)
"As you can see you can't be Neo. He is the One (with a capital "O"). That is his job description. You, on the other hand, are the one (with a small "o") that uses the computers that can hack the matrix. With all the possible windows on, you will have 8 monitors on your screen and two more special windows.... And you'll use the keyboard (no - not that keyboard) a lot more than in a regular skin..."
This is an extract from the read me file (it is placed in the skins directory, by default it is c:/program files/illustrate/dbpoweramp/skins/thematrixrevisited/readme.txt) which can help you if you get confused, or you don't want to explore around the skin....
Here is a screenshot of the main amp, eq
and the phone, with my matrix wallpaper in the background:
The wallpaper can be found in the matrix section
of my site